Wednesday, March 11, 2020
At 21.00h
Alhambra Theater
General Fee: 12€
Synopsis: Complete revival of the show. Contemporary dance, flamenco and audiovisual productions immerse Alhambra Theater in a journey that connects the reflection and condemnation of the Crash of 1929; revealed in Poeta en Nueva York by Federico García Lorca, with the present. Danced by a cast of twelve dancers with the transgressive flamenco and rock music from the Omega album by Enrique Morente and Lagartija Nick; a tribute to Enrique Morente, Lorca and Cohen.
Simultaneous audio description for the visually impaired
Accesible spaces.
Accesible experience: at 20.00h – a guided tactile tour for the visually impaired – Register via this e-mail: kike.ciadanzavinculados@gmail.com