The Danza Sin Barreras project (Dance Without Barriers) was created with the aim of boosting the professionalization of inclusive dance, accessibility of dance and participation in the performing arts through a program that includes work developed by Cía. Danza Vinculados and its contributors in their different fields of action.
Danza Sin Barreras Dance Days were held in order to achieve that. A program that took place during the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of March at the Federico García Lorca Center, which hosted a series of innovative shows, screenings and group discussions about the professionalization of inclusive dance, accessibility and participation in performing arts.
An initiative that offered the opportunity to “enjoy the sensitivity and beauty of body expression, break down borders and build bridges in all the fields of culture”.
Produced by:

Funded by:

Funded by:

Consult the summaries of each workshop
Promotional poster and flyer

Promotional Vídeo
Our Contributors
We appreciate the collaboration of:

ONCE Foundation