Testimonios Transformadores Project

An impact project that counts on the local and international participation to create a real virtual communication portal through participatory videos and performance techniques. The idea arises from the Horizontes Vinculados (Connected Horizons) project that consists of sharing inclusive methodologies through dance between Cía. Danza Vinculados (Granada) and Scotland’s national youth company YDance (Glasgow). This program is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus + program.

Testimonios Transformadores project (Transformative Testimonies) aims to change the mentality and perception of intellectual and physical disability through inclusive suggestions and examples, embodied in testimonies and performances of young people with experience in this type of work from the Vinculados (Granada) and YDance (Scotland) companies.

An important part of the project is training 35 young people with different abilities and needs in choreography, contemporary dance, performance and participatory videos and documentaries. All this culminates with the recording of these young people’s testimonies as well as an interactive dance and projection mapping performance. This allows the dissemination of experiences and the concept of inclusion and disability reformulated by these young people during the project.